Return & Refund

“ZERO Worries" Project
Each Item Manually Checked

Our quality control team check every piece of product you order to guarantee their size, color and quality fit our standard.

Full Refund for Damage & Lost

lf the package is damaged or lost during shipping you will get full refund in your original payment method.

Compensation for Delay

 lf your package is not delivered within promise time.        
compensation is guaranteed.

Eligible returns of products purchased on may be made by mail. Items must be returned in accordance with the requirements outlined below, within 30 days from the date of delivery to a specified address which our customer service provide to. Customers need to apply through email and gotten consent by our customer serivice. We will NOT provide return label, and customers need to email the tracking number to our customer service. If customers return to an address without our permission, we have rights to refuse the returns or refund. Corporate gifts must be returned exclusively to

Exchange: Customers must pay return shipped fees by themselves; we will re-send products to customers once we receive the products. Returned merchandise must meet the below requirements in order to be accepted for a refund.

Returns: Customers must pay return shipped fees by themselves; we will refund to customers once we receive the products.

Simply return it within 30 days for an exchange.